For a Free List of Local In-Person Home or Online Private Tutors in Maghull Enter Your Postcode in the Search Box Above

We’ll email information to you including contact details of the tutors and our recommended hourly rate range for lessons. The tutor’s own hourly fee will depend on their tutoring experience, their qualifications and the distance from your home if travelling to you. The next step is to contact the tutors and discuss tuition. To arrange tuition with a tutor, simply agree the date and time of the first lesson. At the end of each lesson you pay the tutor their hourly fee and our small agency fee which the tutor forwards on to us.
It easy to arrange! You deal directly with the tutor. Take as many lessons as needed. For your reassurance, we monitor our registered tutors.
Most tutors are qualified teachers, lecturers and experts in their specialist areas. Many have valuable working experience of exams and assessing work.
Our registered tutors are qualified teachers, lecturers and experts in their specialist areas, and many have additional professional qualifications. All are academically highly qualified with a minimum of a university degree. Our good reputation means that we attract excellent tutors to register with our agency.
Many tutors have in-depth experience and working knowledge of exam moderation, marking exams and assessing work.
Most of our tutors are flexible and offer the option of local home tutoring or online tutoring.
Tuition is arranged to fit around your schedule.