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6 Tutors
Literacy & Numeracy.
Customised Lessons by Experienced Specialist Tutors
Request your free list of tutors by entering your postcode in the Postcode Search Box. Literacy and numeracy skills are taught in schools as part of the National Curriculum, which sets out the knowledge and skills that children are expected to learn at each stage of their education. These skills are also important for success in higher education and in the workforce. Our tutors can help to build a good foundation from an early age. For older students, our tutors can help to improve existing skills.
Literacy and numeracy refer to the ability to read, write, and understand basic arithmetic. These skills are considered essential for effective communication, learning, and participation in society. Our literacy and numeracy tutors work one-to-one with the student to help identify strengths and weaknesses.
Literacy and Numeracy Tutors
Literacy Tutors
Literacy involves the ability to read and write, as well as the ability to comprehend, and analyse content and being able to use these skills to communicate effectively in various contexts and in subjects across the whole school curriculum. Our tutors help each pupil to build on their existing skills and reach their full potential.
Numeracy Tutors
Numeracy involves the ability to understand and use mathematical concepts and techniques, including basic arithmetic, measurements, and data analysis. This includes being able to solve problems and make decisions based on numerical information, as well as being able to understand and use various forms of quantitative data. Our tutors cover all aspects and levels of numeracy.
For Students
For Students