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6 Tutors
Customised Lessons by Experienced Specialist Tutors
Request your free list of A Level or GCSE Chemistry tutors by entering your postcode in the Postcode Search Box. Our Chemistry tutors offer one-to-one private tuition in person locally at home, or online.
Chemistry tuition is tailored to the exact needs of the student and is very flexible. A tutor can help with a general understanding of Chemistry, or concentrate on individual topics.
We have Chemistry specialists available for Key Stage 3, GCSE, IGCSE, AS and A Level, SQA National 5 (N5), Higher and Advanced Higher or University level.
A science tutor can help to prepare for Chemistry exams including revision, mocks, resits, working through past papers, planning and assessments. Many tutors have valuable direct experience of working with exam boards and knowledge of what is expected from a student. Chemistry exam boards include AQA, OCR, SQA, Edexcel, WJEC.
Tutoring supports any aspect of Chemistry studies including:
Tutoring can support any aspect of Physics including:
- Atomic structure and the periodic table
- Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
- Quantitative chemistry
- Chemical changes
- Energy changes
- The rate and extent of chemical change
- Organic chemistry
- Chemical analysis
- Chemistry of the atmosphere
Advanced Physical Chemistry
- Atomic structure
- Amount of substance
- Bonding
- Energetics
- Kinetics
- Chemical equilibria
- Oxidation, reduction and redox equations
- Thermodynamics
- Rate equations
- Equilibrium constant Kp for homogeneous systems
- Electrode potentials and electrochemical cells
- Acids and bases
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- Periodicity
- Alkaline earth metals
- Halogens
- Properties of Period 3 elements and their oxides
- Transition metals
- Reactions of ions in aqueous solution
Advanced Organic Chemistry
- Alkanes
- Halogenoalkanes
- Alkenes
- Alcohols
- Organic analysis
- Optical isomerism
- Aldehydes and ketones
- Carboxylic acids and derivatives
- Aromatic chemistry
- Amines
- Polymers
- Amino acids, proteins and DNA
- Organic synthesis
- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- Chromatography
For Students
For Students