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6 Tutors
11+ Entrance Exams.
Customised Lessons by Experienced Specialist Tutors
Request your free list of 11+ tutors by entering your postcode in the Postcode Search Box and then selecting Primary level. Tutors can prepare pupils for the selection process for entrance to selective independent schools, public / private schools and grammar schools in England. The process can be highly competitive and school places are limited and highly sought-after. For this reason many parents choose private tutoring to give their child their best possible chance of success.
As the tutors are local to you they will be familiar with schools in your area and their specific entrance examinations.
One-to-one lessons are tailored to suit each pupil’s individual needs with a particular emphasis on exam practice and technique. It is useful to work through past papers. An experienced tutor will motivate and build confidence, which is best achieved one-to-one in a distraction-free environment.
All 11+ aspects are covered:
- Verbal Reasoning
- Non-Verbal Reasoning
- Maths
- English
Grammar School and Independent School Exam.
These generally include four disciplines:
Verbal reasoning: To test English grammar and vocabulary. They focus on solving problems and following sequences based on text and words.
Non-verbal reasoning: To test the capacity to solve problems using diagrams and pictures which will also require some maths.
Maths: Maths skills and concepts, mental maths, and problems which need solving in stages.
English: Looking at writing skills, it will be necessary to plan, structure and complete a piece of creative writing.
For Students
For Students